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Jayco Fix-it Kit

SKU: cc-jayco-kit


Our Jayco Camper and Caravan Fix-it Kit have one of everything we’ve bought over the years to get us out of a fix.

Whether it’s those hard-to-find replacement light bulbs, fuses for the power supply or even O-Rings and clamps to fix the filler hose, this kit has it.  This is a super handy collection of parts that you’ll find helpful over and over again.

10 in stock (can be backordered)

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We created this kit after spending many hours fixing small problems during our tours around Australia in our Jayco Flamingo and (later) Expanda vans. While this kit doesn’t have everything you need for a long trip, it covers most of the annoying problems you’ll have when enjoying the outdoors, and it’s a long drive to the closest hardware store.

Here’s what we’ve found is really useful:

Sink plug Standard sink plug for all Jayco vans and campers.  This can be a little hard to find when on the road, but super annoying if you’ve lost one.
Hose O-Ring These o-rings are used on water hose fittings.  They often crumble and break over time, and water gushes everywhere just when you need it.
Mini sewing kit Super useful for fixing flyscreens if you’ve got a tear, need to remove a splinter from a finger or just fix a button.
25mm & 15mm hose clamp These are the two standard size hose clamps for your Jayco vans, with the smaller size doubling for the van’s water hose.
Cup hooks 12, 20 & 25mm + L-Hooks These hooks are big enough to hold a variety of items and with a screw that won’t go through the walls of your van.  Use the supplied nail to start a hole.
Flyscreen patches These self-adhesive patches are brilliant to fix minor holes in Jayco flyscreens.  Patch them from the outside and use the Alcohol Wipes to clean the surface first.  If the hole is a long tear, use the sewing kit to knit the sides together first.
Super Glue One-use Superglue tubes for fixing broken toys, ceramics or even wounds (if your first aid kit doesn’t have wound glue).
T10 LED Bulbs Until recently, all interior lights on Jayco Vans used automotive T10 bulbs, however each one was 20w.  These replacements are a fraction of the power draw and will last for a very long time.
Valve Caps These tyre valve caps fit both the Jayco van wheels and most bicycles.
Carabiner Super useful for getting bags off the ground, clipping your keys or water bottle to your belt or just keeping the rubbish bag up away from animals.
Red & Orange bulbs Used on older Jayco vans for stop and turn taillights, these bulbs are hard to come by.  We’ve provided red and orange for extra visibility.
Rubber Glue Used to repair bicycle tyres and canvas.  Once opened the glue tends to go off between trips – remember to buy more when you get back.
Tek screws 14×25 12G Used to hold the stabilizer brackets under each corner of the Jayco van.  They often rattle loose when you’re driving, and the bracket can drop down dragging on the road or worse, fall off completely.
White button screws 8gx25mm & 20mm These screws are used to hold brackets such as awnings to the side of your Jayco Van.  The head is white, so it blends into the white panels on your van.
Self-tapping screws 10gx25mm Used to hold inside roof support brackets for Jayco Expanda vans and the base brackets on roller awnings. Sadly, we couldn’t get screws with white heads. (Maybe dab with LiquidPaper)
Timber screws 15x20mm & 25mm and Gal 40mm screws The smaller bugle screws are used on most of the cabinetry of Jayco Vans and Campers.  We’ve also put a few larger screws for making your campsite functional (just remember to remove them when you leave).
Self-tapping screws 6x25mm Used for several things in a Jayco Van and are particularly useful for taillights.
Blade Fuses 20A & 30A These are the two standard sized fuses for Jayco van power supplies.  The Green 30A is used to isolate the power supply (there’s one of these used in the van) and the other Yellow 20A fuses are used for each circuit.  Make sure you check the yellow fuses first before the green fuse.
Twine Cooking twine is so useful for tying things up and because it’s food grade, this can be used to truss up meat when cooking on your barbecue.  It’s heat not flame resistant.
Cable ties While most of the cables in a Jayco van are held together using these cable ties, they are most useful for running repairs such as splinting an awning pole.
Alcohol wipes Used to clean surfaces before you glue, they are the same wipes we provide with our flyscreens.  You can even use these to clean cuts and scratches if you’ve run out in your first aid kit.
Hinge (cotter) Pin M3x25 These pins are used on the hatch hinges found under seat cushions.  The pins are designed to be removed, but often rattle loose and are lost.

Additional information

Weight 0.325 kg
Dimensions 17 × 20 × 5.5 cm


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